[sermon-link sermon-id=51117652370]
Bible pictures of Christ, 116

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[sermon-series-link series="Bible pictures of Christ"]
Bible pictures of Christ

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[sermon-link sermon-id=51117652370 retval="bible_text"]
Revelation 11:1-15

[sermon-link sermon-id=51117652370 retval="series"]
Bible pictures of Christ

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[sermon-link sermon-id=51117652370 retval="summary"]
Pictures of Christ - 15 - Elijah the prophet 1 Kings 18:36-40. The confrontation between Elijah and the false prophets on Mt Carmel is a wonderful picture of that final conflict with which this age will end. It is interesting to note that Elijah will feature in the prelude to the final conflict. "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD," Malachi 4:5. I believe that Elijah is one of the two witnesses who will appear in Jerusalem a very short time before the Saviour's return. We are going to read through Revelation 11:1-15 and note what it says and the likeness to Elijah that is seen in the portrait given us of these two great servants of God that will minister in Jerusalem immediately before the Lord returns in power and glory and "the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever," Revelation 11:15.

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Moses rejected the temporary pleasures of sin
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Part 27
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Bright and shining lights in the Bible
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Also, below is Tuesday's study with the children in Kilskeery Independent Christian School.

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